
2023 Annual Trunk or Treat

2023 Annual Trunk or Treat

On Friday, October 20th, our community came together for the annual Trunk or Treat! This event exceeded expectations with other 20 creatively transformed trunks, turning the parking lot into a vibrant Halloween spectacle. The evening was filled with laughter,...

HSA Welcome Back Meeting – September

HSA Welcome Back Meeting – September

Thank you to all who attended our first HSA Meeting of the school year. We hope your children enjoy their free dress down day for your attendance! For those that were unable to attend, feel free to check out our Meeting Slides  and mark your calendars for our next...

2023 Scholastic Book Fair

2023 Scholastic Book Fair

On October 9th and 10th, the SSPP Church basement transformed into a world of reading! The event saw enthusiastic participation from students, educators, and families alike. Through combined efforts, we successfully raised $5,000!! These  proceeds will be used for...

Welcome to the 2023/2024 School Year!

Welcome to the 2023/2024 School Year!

As the Home & School Association, we are absolutely thrilled to welcome both our new and returning families to the start of another incredible academic year! We hope you had an enjoyable and restful summer break, filled with precious moments and cherished...

2023 SSPP Monsignor Foley Golf Outing

2023 SSPP Monsignor Foley Golf Outing

SSPP's 23rd Annual Monsignor Foley Golf Outing was held on September 25th and it was nothing short of spectacular! The Golf Outing proceeds raised this year for the  Saints Peter and Paul Teacher Enrichment Fund exceeded our expectations. This program provides our...