Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve
This Week’s Reminders
The winter band concert is this MON (1/13) in the school gym
Flight on Ice is THURS (1/16) starting at 5PM for the Pre-K and everyone else at 5:30PM. Sign-up below!
No school on MON (1/20) for Martin Luther King’s Day. Join the SSPP Parish at 8:30AM for their annual MLK Day where we come together to do Works of Mercy for people in need in our community. Details and Sign-up can be found here.
Show your school’s pride with some SSPP Spirit Wear! Check out the SSPP Spirit Wear and order today!
The January Lunch menu can be found here.
Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch/Recess Helpers
Sign up to be a lunch/recess volunteer and make a positive imact in the students’ day!
“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”
– Mother Teresa
Walking Wednesday Helpers
Walking Wednesday is a weekly walking group held every Wednesday during lunch recess. The students love Walking Wednesday but we need volunteers in order to make it happen! Learn more here.
Upcoming Events
Flight on Ice
Join us on Thursday January 16th for a frosty school ice skating event. Pre-K skate from 5-5:30, K-8 from 5:30-8pm. Register below for a winter celebration filled with twirls, laughter, and delicious pizza delights!